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Gems Natural Health Consultants are Trained in the Following Areas of Health

Natural Diagnostic Techniques

 Complete Therapeutic Systems

Naturopathy Therapies

 Osteopathy Massage, 

 Herbal Medicine

Dietary and Nutritional Therapies

 Ailments by Body System

Preparing and Finding a Remedy

Visiting a Practitioner

The Home Medicine Chest

Herbal Remedies Herbs 

Wholeness & Prevention

Practical Herbalism

The Preparation of Herbs

 The Chemistry of Herbs

Herbs for Infections & Infestations


Treating Infections

Treating Infestations

 Herbal Remedies in the Home,

The Herbal Index: Individual Profiles of Herbs

 Herbs for Particular Systems of the Body

The Circulatory System

 The Lymphatic System

The Respiratory System           Female Hormonal Issues

                                                          Male sexual issues

 Ears, Nose, Throat & Eyes       Reproductive/Childbirth

The Digestive System                Hydrotherapy Treatments

The Nervous System                  Bloodwork/CT/Radiology

                                                          Reading and interpreting

The Skin

The Musculo/Skeletal System   

Anxiety, Stress / Depression- Natural Coping Principles without Drugs

The Glandular System

The Urinary System

 Health Counseling

 Enhancing Physical Health:

Counseling Applications

Weight Control

Smoking Cessation

Exercise Motivation

Sleep Difficulties

Sexual Health

Chronic Pain

Coping With Illness

Toward a Wellness Perspective

Natural Medicine
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